Talks from rtudio:conf 2019 that I implemented and inspired me
I think that it is great that the talks from rstudio:conf are all accessible online at:
These are the talks, without a specific order, that inspired me or that gave me ideas to implement some libraries.
- Introducing the gt package - Rich Iannone
- thanks to this talk I discovered the gt package to make wonderful-looking tables.
- Democratizing R with Plumber APIs - James Blair
- the plumber library converts your existing R code to a web API.
- this is useful to distribuite your data outputs to other IT people who use other languages.
- Don’t let long running tasks hang your users Introducing ipc for Shiny - Ian Fellows
- About the ipc package
- The unreasonable effectiveness of public work - David Robinson
- This talk gave me the motivation to start this blog.
- pagedown: Creating beautiful PDFs with R Markdown and CSS - Yihui Xie
- after watching this talk I decided to write my CV with the pagedown library, which is much more easy to manage than what I was previously doing with word.
- 3D mapping, plotting, and printing with rayshader - Tyler Morgan-Wall
- Here the library rayshader is presented.
- With this library you can create fancy 3D maps and 3D printing.
- Panel discussion Growth and Data Science: Individuals, leaders, organizations and responsibilities
- Tips that I noted down from the discussion:
- be flexible with tooling;
- be empathic to understand the users;
- have the humility to say that you don’t know;
- One of the biggest sources of value of a data scientist is the ability to articulate a business problem into a quantitive answerable hypothesis;
- “Junior data scientists do not know what it is impossible yet”